Sunday, April 15, 2012

Baby Thought Dead

Miracles do happen and this little baby is proof of it.  For many mothers of stillborn children, they never see their babies' bodies.  I empathisize with those parents because I cannot imagine carrying a baby for 9 months, labor to deliver and not be able to take that baby home.  For these parents, they wanted to say goodbye one more time, and they are very thankful that they made that choice.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Hot Baby Names of 2012

Hot baby names for 2012.  I am a bit of a rebel, but I do so enjoy looking and NOT seeing my 3 children's names on the list.  I like the fact that their names are more uncommon without being strange.  During my weeks of pregnancy with each of them, my first labor pains were of what to name them.  It is very important step and I wanted to make sure that I got their names right.