Friday, March 23, 2012

Benefits of Prenatal Yoga

As a woman who has had three children and discovered yoga after giving birth, I can see how yoga would have benefited me during labor and delivery.  For me, I never thought of the poses helping my labor, but the paranyama breathing.  That type of deep breathing is meant to help a person focus and breathe through the pain of a difficult yoga pose.  You can use that same philosophy to help breathe through the pain of labor.  We know that laboring without interventions is the best choice for your baby but for many women, the fear of labor and its associated pain actually makes their laboring more difficult.  Imagine being so tense and scared of something and then trying to actually do it.  You freeze up.  That is what can happen when a person is terrified of giving birth and can lengthen your laboring time.  Yoga can help in all those areas.

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