Thursday, March 1, 2012

Pregnancy and The Right To Do Our Jobs

When I was pregnant with my last two, I had pre-term contractions and had to go on bedrest to prevent early births.  With my last one, my former supervisor was not supportive nor understanding and I was a Toddler Teacher.  While on maternity leave, she filled my position and offered me a lesser one, with less pay.  Now that I am older, I know that this is illegal, but at the time, I was so upset, I quit immediately.  Pregnany is the way our species stays on this planet and when women get pregnant, they should not be mistreated by the people they work for or with.  Those people came from pregant women, too.  No matter what week of pregnancy a woman is in, she has the right to work and the right to protect her child.  Those two things shouldnt be at odds.

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